June 30, 2013
Do you ever wander into a library or browse the internet and hope you find a computer language to study? What do you study?
One solution - try reading the book called "The Passionate Programmer" by Chad Fowler. Subtitle: Creating a Remarkable Career in Software Development. The book is full of insights and tips on how to explore somputer programming in depth and how to make yourself a very valuable computer programmer.
Sure it was written in 2009. But it is written by a gifted saxophonist who studied the art of computer programming on his own. When he was hired , he found he could run circles around formally trained programmers because he took the time to explore areas in depth and to constantly ask questions to dig deeper. In his book Mr. Fowler fills in the details of how to achieve what he did in gaining an intimate understanding of programming and the areas to explore that can have a good reward for you.
Not sure what programming languages or areas to study?
The book discusses many areas - and there is a fair number of techno-speak - but how about starting programming in Java or ".net". To delve into it further try getting a copy of the book. The book cover promotes it's author - "Chad Fowler is an internationally known software developer,trainer, manager, speaker and musician.
Dream Big! - Could reading and following this book be a pathway to being a Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg?
Yes! If you find you love to program I recommend this book. The subtitle of the book shows what the book can help you find if you use the book to develop your passion for computer programming .... Here is the subtitle ...."creat(e) a remarkable career in software development.
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