This is what I told my Facebook friends .....
" I am discovering making art on a budget. You know those pencil crayons we used as a kid? If you watch Youtube videos you can be shown how to use the pencils to overlay levels like a professional. Who knew? Amazing! Choose a short video - say less than 10 minutes because I find myself falling asleep!. Start your path to becoming an art by watching artists creating their art and describing the technique on Youtube. Videos? ... much better than books ... Why? Because in books you will probably just look at the pictures! ... and not fully understand what is being taught! Try a Google search like : Youtube & pencil crayon & "drawing a portrait" or whatever else you want to learn.
The Youtube video I watched described the layering process of the different colors on the paper which is used in different mediums like oils and acrylic paints.
So if the high cost of becoming an artist deters you or you think you can't learn because you tried reading an art book and failed try again! ..... youtube videos and pencil crayons are very effective. But if you have a different medium use those ...oils, acrylics ...whatever you can get your hands on similar techniques are used .... .. and googling questions like I did just now "can you layer colors in oil painting? " The answer is "yes" but links to other techniques in oil painting pop up. .... but you can find cheaper alternatives too. Like pencil crayons and paper you bought super cheap from the thrift store ( thrift store if you are in Canada or the United States) ..
Here is the video I watched
The video shows how to "push" the pencil crayon colors on the paer , how to "blend" the colors, how to lighten the colors using an eraser and how to lighten the color by overlaying with white. Watch the video and pull out your crayons. I believe after watching the video your skill level has been raised enough that you want to go and become a professional artist ... or at the very least want to sell your art and dream of having your work being displayed in a local art gallery around your town! You will definitely see an improvement in your art already. Imagine how your art work can progress if you watch more perhaps many more videos and practice the techniques. It is thoughyt by some that 10,000 hours will allow a person to become a master - in our case a master artist
From a Google search I copied this:
.10,000 Hours of Practice. In the book Outliers , author Malcolm Gladwell says that it takes roughly ten thousand hours of practice to achieve mastery in a field. "
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