Sunday, 9 December 2012

Book # 15 Review - "Running with the Mind of Meditation"

Book # 15 - Review of  "Running with the Mind of Meditation - a book by Sakyong Mipham"   reviewed by Chris Garrah

December 9, 2012

Running With the Mind of Meditation - Lessons for Training Body and Mind by Sakyong Mipham

This is an uplifting book that could inspire someone to run marathons as well as giving a practical, easy to understand grasp of calming the mind with the how-to's of  meditation.  The author is a super-fit marathon runner but also a master of Eastern meditation. Unlike other meditation books that I have read which tend to be a little abstract and difficult to grasp, Sakyong writes in easy to understand and engaging, uplifting style.

The Leader of Shambhala -

 - the author Sakyong Mipham shares his anecdotes from running in beautiful, remote locations with a variety of running partners.   He shares the mental aspect of running as well as how to develop a "base" or level of running as well as sharing the intricacies of meditation which pares down to concentrating on your breathing .   This concentration on ones breath helps the mediator stay in a state of  mindfulness..

Lessons for Training Body and Mind 

is the subtitle of the book. It is a practical book that I recommend.  The author is also the author of the best selling book Turning the book into an ally.   For more teachings from the author go to the Sakyong website.
This is the best meditation book I have read so far and it stands on its own.  By pairing meditation and marathon running the author has created an outstanding book.  This book deserves to stand on your bookshelf. What a gem of a book!

Thursday, 29 November 2012

True Belonging Overcoming Loneliness Book Review

True Belonging - Mindful Practices to Help You Overcome Loneliness, Connect With Others & Cultivate Happiness  - A Book Review by Chris Garrah   November 29, 2012

I was directed to this book because I was reading a meditation book and I did not get the concept "mindfulness".
Even after reading the book once the concepts did not settle in because I assume I was reading the book without absorbing it.   And the tone seemed different.   But upon re-reading it - browsing it again it started to make some sense.

The central idea is that troubling emotions from the past influence your present - I mean you have some bad thoughts in your head or bad concepts about yourself.   This book will hopefully help you fix yourself. (if you pick it up from time to time and try to fix yourself) .

About the Mindfulness Book

The book jacket notes that there are over thirty reflective practices improve yourself.  It says that you will build stronger relations with others.

The authors of the reflective practices 

Jeffrey Brantley MD is a consulting associate in the Duke Department of Psychiatrry.   He is also a director of a mindfulness-based stress reduction program.   The second author is Wendy Millstine who in addition to being an author is a certified holistic  nutrition consultant.  

The book itself is a small pocketbook of 158 pages so it is easy to carry around with you.   Each reflective practice is only two or three pages.   So in a matter of 10 or 15 minutes perhaps you can strive to rid yourself of negative emotions and thoughts and make deeper connections with others.

Let me know what works! 

Monday, 26 November 2012

Book Review 50 - In The Shadow Of the Dragon

Book Review 50  -  "In the Shadow Of the Dragon - The Global Expansion of Chinese Companies - and How It Will Change Business Forever by Winter Nie and William Dowell with Abraham Lu   reviewed by Chris Garrah on November 26, 2012

Overview of the book about Chinese Companies

This book is an in depth look at some of the larger companies that have developed in China.  
The successes are measured from recent history - the 1980's and 1990's  - because previous to this,  private enterprises were illegal.  Individuals prior to this who sold goods on the street could be arrested.

Some insights from the book

The book's perspective is from China business's perspective as opposed to a Western outlook.  

There is extreme competition within China for market share within the China market   and the overseas market can be even more difficult.  For example selling electronics to the US military is very difficult because the US is very suspicious of China's  intentions.

Its not just about low cost manufacturing

In the news,  people here in North America,  hear about China stealing technology or copying it.
But China is also gaining access to the inner workings of technologies by making it a condition that the technological secrets be revealed for goods that are manufactured for the China market.  For example ,Japanese trains and the Chevrolet Volt manufacturers were both asked for their trade secret technology in exchange  for those products to be made and sold in China.
Because China engineers outnumber the US engineers graduates per year by 280,000 to 40,0000 (from the book) , there is no shortage of skill in actually improving on the designs.   For example, the book relates how the Japanese train was designed to go faster in China..

Suitability of the book for a reader

The case studies could be of interest to anyone who is interested in Chinese companies and the Chinese government.   There is a depth of information in the book - 290 pages in the book I read.   But it reads like an academic book. But if you want to learn about some of the history of the business people and their companies in China you may not find the book too dry.     

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Reviewing "50 Ways to Make Google Love Your Website

Reviewing the Book - "50 Ways to Make Google Love Your Website by Steve Johnston & Liam McGee"  2010 Reviewed by Chris Garrah on November 18,  2012


Initial Impressions of the Book

To a casual observer the quick results of a Google search can lead one to not appreciate the sophistication and elegance of the Google model.  The book gives an in depth account of how Google operates and the principles it uses in deciding what search results shall be returned.

The book describes some of the mathematics involved in the search.  Mathematics is elegant because it expresses the essence of a complex task in simple math terms.

Pointing the Webmaster or Blogger in the Right Direction  - Making Google Love Your Site 

The book explains the nuts and bolts of how Google opertes.  It introduces the "tripod of Google's love" visibility, relevance and reputation.
But even without the book , the authors point to Google's own online resources that help the webmaster make their website easier for Google to understand a website. 

The importance of Google's Webmaster Central 

 The book stresses the importance of Google's Webmaster Central.  The book actually recommends you visit the site on a daily basis.   Google offers its own online SEO guide and there should be no one better than explaining how to optimize its search engine (SEO) than Google itself.  Go to Google Webmaster Central.   Go to Google SEO guide.

Google explains exactly how your website is interacting with Google and how you can improve your website's relationship with Google

For information specific to your own website and how well it is functioning go here ."Google Webmaster Tools"
 The book stresses that you should go here daily to let Google "love your site"

Areas to explore that the book suggests - Did You know.......??? 

To give you an idea of how knowledgable you already are without reading the book did you know the following?
1.   Google understands HTML so if you are writing in something like FLASH or something else maybe Google does not see it.
2.  The alternative text for a photo is important because Google does not actually see the photo.
3.  The anchor text in a link helps Google understand the significance of the link or what the relationship , relevance or significance of the link is.

If you didn't know all three of the above there is more to learn especially since there are 50 ways and not just  
a handful of ways ( to make Google love your website).

Why Get the Book?

It is all relevant and compact in a small pocket book about 4 inches by 6 inches and less than an inch thick.  I didn't measure it but that sounds about right.   It is easily referenced while your computer may be off.  - and it explains in detail while many sites offer a few tips that don't really seem to cover the topic.   ( But Google links above do cover in detail the SEO details.

I also learned that oversimplification may be something to avoid because Google actually looks at your whole site and  can recognize if your post looks "spammy" so a variety of words can be a good thing.

The book also helps you design your site from Google's perspective instead of just what appeals to you.   The book also makes you appreciate the long part of the curve - how big it is and the variety of related searches.   The book is a UK book and uses a fictitious goldfish store owner as a way to personalize the information in the book.

I once had a high school Chemistry teacher and he said to read things even if you don't understand them because you might absorb something through just exposure or osmosis.  This is a great little book and if there are things you don't understand or appreciate this is a great little book to help you understand more with a second, third or more reading.   What a great little book! 

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Book Review   #340   "InGenius - A Crash Course On Creativity" by author Tina Seelig   2012:   reviewed by Chris Garrah on October 4, 2012

Tina Seelig has a PhD in neuroscience.   
In her book she relates how everybody can become more creative and shows ways of thinking to encourage that.   
She cites many examples of people in business who have used creativity to solve problems in medicine, the environment and technology.  One of the techniques she uses is brainstorming 
The author believes that creativity can be enhanced .  She lists the factors and calls it a Innovation Engine.
 An example in the book of creativity under pressure is citing the Apollo 13 engineers who had to come up with a quick solution to the buildup of carbon dioxide in the astronauts environment.  

  For me the best part of the book is the Notes Section at the end of the book where someone can explore areas of creativity.    Now, that is creative.   

For more of my book reviews visit 500 self help book reviews by Chris Garrah

Sunday, 23 September 2012

End Of Watch - Movie Review

by Chris Garrah - one man's opinion  - September 23, 2012

End Of Watch Movie Review -Starring Michael Pena and Jake Gylenhaal

OK - why do you go to the movies?   If the answer is for an emotional roller coaster ride and entertainment then this movie may satisfy your needs.

There is a caveats here.  You are going to be experiencing the emotional highs of two very upbeat and funny actors play off of each other. - but this is going to be balanced by some very nasty characters who love to swear. 

The cinematography is excellent with camera angles and movements that are chosen wisely as well as some jerky camera action to make the viewer feel part of the scene.   The  two actors  bring a joy and zest to their role of cops - they have a comical rapport with each other so that the movie is elevated to a high level of entertainment.
The love lives of the two cops also adds to the story so that the viewer identifies with the cops as human beings. .       

I would watch it again - that is my rating

This movie has enough violence, destruction and mayhem to amuse your testosterone driven boyfriend.
I would this movie again  even though I know how it's going to end.  But once again - there is a lot of swearing.  In our theater a few people appeared to walk out in the early part of the movie - perhaps too much swearing - stick with it - there is a warm human story in this movie.

Barack Obama Is On Track to Reduce The US Debt

by Chris Garrah - September 23, 2012

Reducing The US Debt - One Man's Opinion

I think perhaps all American politicians recognize that reducing the debt of the nation is key to helping their economy.  I believe that American pundits have it right that there is hope to solve the debt problem.


 I think that these are encouraging signs that the American debt can be reduced if President Obama is re-elected.   

1. Some of the American wealthy are on board with the idea that the wealthiest Americans are investing and creating jobs in the current economy.   Warren Buffet and others recognize that the wealthiest can pay as much as the poorest Americans.  Because of this the Democrats would not have to reduce income taxes for the wealthy - which would not reduce the debt or create jobs.   More targeted stimulus such as that of a Republican who said incentives to a smalll business to add one more employee would drive the unemployment rate down to 5%.

2.    Several factors suggest the US can spend less on the military.  1)The American military has evolved over the years so that  one ship can be a greater fighting force than several in the past.  2)Also, the American military currently spends several multiples of the amount of China.  3)  President Obama's reluctance to enter any war without involving the United Nations .    4)  The US is poised to withdraw troops from Afghanistan  These four trends suggest the US may be able to reduce military spending and still achieve their goals.

3.  In theory filibuster laws could be reformed so it would be less likely that the opposing party can jam up the works and that the party in power could attempt to retire the debt.

Reform Is Possible To Prevent Other Countries Benefitting From A Large American Debt  

4.  As Jesse Ventura suggested the Constitution could be amended so that major contributors to political parties would have to reveal their identity.  I believe Jesse Ventura was suggesting that China could set up an American company and make political contributions and influence the election that way.   


For the above reasons I believe that Americans should have hope that their economy will improve and the deficit and debt problems will diminish.  Unfortunately, the amount of suffering will, I guess, depend on the arithmetic.   Let us hope the problems are solved and that Americans prosper.