Two Book Reviews in one - "What the Best College Students Do" authored by Ken Bain and "Mastery" authored by Robert Green - both reviewed by Chris Garrah on January 8, 2013
These two books tended to merge in my mind. as books that guide anyone and everyone on how to pursue studies and mastery of those studies with curiosity and extra effort. I was impressed by Robert Green's statement that if someone, anyone pursues an activity of interest that that person can become a master of that interest in 10,000 hours. The brain becomes transformed. The neural connections change.
Similarly in the book "What the Best College Students Do' author Ken Bain suggests that intelligence can grow with study. Ken Bain shows that the motivation of students may differ - and that if students motivation is grades or status they may get good grades but they may learn superficially. But for those students who want a deep understanding - they are the ones that actually come to understand the material.
In this way, both books suggest you pursue your studies with a passion and pursue interests over a lifetime.
College Students also offers specific techniques that will help students get a deeper understanding of course material.
I hope these books support each other in the idea of gaining mastery of subkects over a life-time.
The 10,000 hours mentioned in Mastery could for example take about 1 hour a day for 30 years of time dedicated to study..
I encourage readers to read the books for ideas that appeal to the individual. The case is made in "What the best College Students Do" that all of us are individuals with unique histories and talents and therefore we will have a unique slant on how we relate to the world.
Embracing Failure and Examples of Mastery and Success
Both books present examples of successful people that have studied and succeeded in life - and both books present the idea of persevering through hardship and present ideas or traits that can cause people to give up. Mastery presents studies of great figures through the centuries while College Students presents more current biographies.Mastery .is also about total life experience so it also showcases how to adapt to social environments at work and how to improve your odds with mentorships. but the book also shows how to succeed without a mentor by showcasing the great inventor Thomas Edison.. Thomas Edison had NO mentor yet still succeeded.
Happy reading! .... and of course feedback is welcome.